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Are Mercenaries Worth It in Bannerlord? A Comprehensive Guide

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord offers a rich tapestry of strategic choices, and one of the most debated is whether hiring mercenaries is a smart move.

This guide will delve into the benefits and drawbacks of using mercenaries in your quest for dominance.

Walking around a tavern in Bannerlord

Understanding Mercenaries in Bannerlord

What Are Mercenaries?

Mercenaries are hired troops that provide a temporary boost to your army. Unlike regular recruits, they come with predefined skills and equipment.

They can be found in taverns across Calradia and are available for a price.

Types of Mercenaries

Bannerlord features a variety of mercenaries, each with different specialties. Some are skilled archers, while others excel in melee combat or cavalry. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses can help you choose the right ones for your needs.

Advantages of Hiring Mercenaries

Immediate Reinforcements

One of the biggest advantages of hiring mercenaries is the instant boost to your army. Recruiting and training regular troops takes time, but mercenaries are ready to fight as soon as you hire them. This can be crucial during wartime when quick reinforcements are needed.

Versatility in Battle

Mercenaries come with a range of skills and equipment that can complement your existing troops. Need more archers for a siege? Hire mercenary archers. Lacking cavalry for an open field battle? Mercenary horsemen can fill that gap.

Their versatility allows you to adapt to different combat situations quickly.

No Long-Term Commitment

Mercenaries are typically hired for short periods, which means you can bolster your forces without a long-term commitment. This is useful when you need extra manpower for a specific campaign or to defend against an imminent threat.

Setting up troops in formation in Bannerlord

Disadvantages of Hiring Mercenaries

High Cost

The most significant drawback of mercenaries is their cost. They demand higher wages than regular troops, which can strain your finances, especially if you rely on them heavily. It's essential to balance their use to avoid going broke.

Loyalty Issues

Mercenaries are loyal only as long as you pay them. If your funds run dry, they will leave your service, potentially at the worst possible moment. This lack of loyalty can be a liability, especially during prolonged conflicts.

Limited Availability

Mercenaries are not always available in large numbers. Depending on where you are in Calradia, you might find it challenging to hire the specific types of mercenaries you need. This limitation can hamper your strategic plans.

Strategic Use of Mercenaries

Supplementing Your Forces

Use mercenaries to supplement your regular troops rather than replace them. They are ideal for filling gaps in your army or providing a temporary boost during critical campaigns. This strategy allows you to leverage their strengths without over-relying on them.

Short-Term Campaigns

For short-term campaigns, such as raiding enemy territories, defending against invasions, or attacking bandits, mercenaries are invaluable. Their immediate availability and combat readiness can turn the tide in your favor. Once the campaign is over, you can disband them to save on costs.

Emergency Defense

When your settlements are under threat, hiring mercenaries can provide the quick reinforcement needed to fend off attackers. This can buy you time to mobilize your regular troops and organize a more robust defense.

Leading soldiers through a forest in Bannerlord

Balancing Costs and Benefits

Financial Management

To effectively use mercenaries, you need to manage your finances carefully. Ensure you have a steady income stream from trade, taxes, and other sources. This financial stability will allow you to hire mercenaries when needed without risking bankruptcy.

Rotating Mercenaries

Consider rotating mercenaries in and out of your service based on your immediate needs. This approach helps you maintain a flexible and adaptable force while keeping costs under control. Hire them for specific tasks and disband them once those tasks are completed.

Mixing Troops

Combine mercenaries with your regular troops to create a balanced and versatile army. This mix allows you to benefit from the strengths of mercenaries while relying on the loyalty and cost-effectiveness of regular soldiers.

So, Are Mercenaries Worth It?

In Bannerlord, mercenaries can be a valuable asset when used strategically. They provide immediate reinforcements, versatility in battle, and no long-term commitment. However, their high cost and potential loyalty issues mean they should be used judiciously.

By balancing their use with careful financial management and a mix of regular troops, you can leverage the strengths of mercenaries to achieve your goals in Calradia.

So, are mercenaries worth it in Bannerlord? The answer is a resounding yes, but only if you use them wisely and strategically.


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