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Are Polearms Good in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord? A Comprehensive Guide

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord offers players a wide variety of weapons to choose from, and one of the most intriguing options is the polearm.

These long, versatile weapons can be highly effective in the right hands. But are polearms truly worth using in Bannerlord?

Let’s break down their strengths and weaknesses to find out.

Chasing a foe on horseback with a spear in Bannerlords

Understanding Polearms in Bannerlord

Types of Polearms

Polearms in Bannerlord come in several types, each with its own advantages and specific uses:

  • Spears: Great for thrusting attacks, especially effective against cavalry.

  • Pikes: Longer than spears, ideal for holding off mounted units.

  • Glaives and Halberds: Offer a mix of slashing and thrusting attacks, providing versatility in combat.

Combat Roles

Polearms can be used in various combat roles, making them versatile on the battlefield:

  • Infantry: As an infantryman, a polearm allows you to keep enemies at bay and deliver powerful thrusting attacks.

  • Cavalry: When mounted, polearms can be devastating, allowing for deadly charges and extended reach in melee combat.

Advantages of Polearms

Reach and Range

One of the most significant advantages of polearms is their reach. This can be a game-changer in both melee and mounted combat.

  • Keeping Enemies at Bay: The extended reach allows you to strike enemies from a distance, making it harder for them to hit you.

  • Horseback Combat: When mounted, the extra length of a polearm lets you engage enemies without getting too close, which is especially useful for taking down other cavalry units or infantry.


Polearms offer a good balance of offensive and defensive capabilities:

  • Thrusting and Slashing: Many polearms can deliver both thrusting and slashing attacks, making them versatile in various combat situations.

  • Anti-Cavalry: Polearms, especially pikes and spears, are highly effective against cavalry, allowing you to disrupt enemy charges and protect your own lines.

Crowd Control

In large-scale battles, polearms excel at crowd control:

  • Area Denial: A well-placed polearm user can control space effectively, denying enemies the ability to close in or break through your lines.

  • Mass Combat: Polearms can hit multiple enemies in close quarters, making them ideal for crowded engagements.

Equipping a spear on horseback in bannerlord

Disadvantages of Polearms

Speed and Mobility

While polearms have many strengths, they do have some drawbacks:

  • Slower Attacks: Compared to one-handed weapons, polearms often have slower attack speeds, which can make you vulnerable to faster opponents.

  • Mobility: The length of polearms can make them cumbersome in tight spaces, reducing your maneuverability.

Skill Requirement

Using a polearm effectively requires a certain level of skill and practice:

  • Timing and Distance: Effective use of polearms demands good timing and distance management. Misjudging your reach or timing can leave you open to counterattacks.

  • Learning Curve: There is a steeper learning curve with polearms compared to shorter, more straightforward weapons.

Tips for Using Polearms Effectively

Practice Makes Perfect

To master polearms, regular practice is essential:

  • Training Grounds: Use the training grounds to practice your thrusting and slashing techniques.

  • Sparring: Engage in sparring matches to improve your timing and distance management.

  • Taking on Easier Foes: Fighting bandits and other weaker enemies will give you invaluable realistic practice

Strategic Positioning

Positioning is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of polearms:

  • Formations: Use polearms in formations to hold lines and control the battlefield. Being part of a well-coordinated unit can amplify the strengths of polearms.

  • Choke Points: Take advantage of choke points and narrow spaces where the reach of your polearm can control the flow of enemies.

Equipment and Upgrades

Equip your character with the right gear to complement your polearm:

  • Armor: Wearing the right armor can protect you while you leverage the reach of your polearm.

  • Upgrades: Upgrade your polearm to improve its damage and speed, making it more effective in combat.

Leading an army into a forest in Bannerlord

Conclusion: Are Polearms Good?

Balancing Strengths and Weaknesses

Polearms in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord offer a unique blend of reach, versatility, and crowd control capabilities. Their effectiveness, particularly against cavalry and in large-scale battles, makes them a valuable addition to your arsenal.

  • Strategic Asset: When used correctly, polearms can dominate the battlefield, offering both offensive and defensive advantages.

  • Skill Development: While they require practice and skill to master, the payoff is well worth the effort.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, polearms are indeed worth considering in Bannerlord. Whether you're leading an infantry charge or defending against a cavalry onslaught, these versatile weapons can give you the edge you need.

So grab a spear, pike, or glaive, and start practicing – the battlefield awaits!


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