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Finding Bandits in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord: A Hunter's Guide

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is packed with activities to keep you on your toes, and one of the most lucrative and exciting is hunting down bandits. These marauding groups not only provide valuable loot and experience but also improve your relations with local lords and townsfolk.

But where can you reliably find these ne'er-do-wells? Let's break it down so you can become the ultimate bandit hunter.

The party about to engage in some combat with bandits in Bannerlord

Why Hunt Bandits?

Rewards and Reputation

Taking down bandit parties is a fantastic way to earn loot, money, and experience for your character and troops. Additionally, you'll improve your reputation with nearby villages and towns, which can lead to better trade opportunities and recruitment options.

Training Ground

Bandits serve as excellent practice for your troops. Engaging in frequent skirmishes with these outlaws helps sharpen your soldiers' skills and prepares them for larger battles.

It's a win-win situation: you get better gear and gold, and your army becomes more seasoned.

Common Bandit Types


Looters are the most basic and weakest bandits you'll encounter. They typically roam near starting areas and villages.

These ragtag groups are easy pickings for even a fledgling party, making them ideal for early-game encounters.

Sea Raiders

Sea Raiders are more challenging, usually found near coastal areas. They boast better equipment and more organized attacks compared to looters. Engaging with them can be risky for an unprepared party, but the rewards are significantly higher.

Mountain Bandits and Forest Bandits

These bandits are commonly found in, you guessed it, mountainous and forested regions. Mountain Bandits prefer rugged terrains, while Forest Bandits lurk in wooded areas. Both types are more formidable than looters, often requiring a well-equipped and trained party to defeat.

Fighting bandits in bannerlord

Prime Bandit Locations

Near Villages

Bandits love to prey on the weak and unsuspecting. Villages, especially those far from major cities, are prime targets for these outlaws. Check the outskirts of these settlements for roaming bands of looters and smaller bandit groups. Looters love to steal from and starve out local villagers.

Mountainous Areas

Mountain Bandits, as their name suggests, stick to the high ground. The mountainous regions of Sturgia and Battania are rife with these troublemakers. Patrol these areas regularly to find and engage them.

Forested Regions

Forested areas, particularly around Battania, are havens for Forest Bandits. They use the dense woods to ambush travelers and merchants. Keeping an eye on these regions can yield frequent encounters.

Coastal Regions

Sea Raiders patrol the coastal areas, especially in the northern parts of the map near Sturgia and Vlandia. Their raids can be fierce, but the loot they drop is often worth the effort.

Strategies for Efficient Bandit Hunting

Speed is Key

To catch bandits, you need to be faster than them. Invest in horses for your party to increase your map speed. A cavalry and polearm-heavy party can close the gap on fleeing bandits quickly. Also ensure that your weapons have a high handling when dealing with fighting on horseback.

Scout Ahead

Having a few scouts in your party can significantly boost your ability to spot bandits from a distance. The higher your scouting skill, the better your chances of detecting bandit parties before they notice you. Make sure to have these scouts led by a companion in order to better organize your army.

Balanced Party Composition

While speed is important, having a balanced party is crucial for success in battles. Ensure you have a mix of infantry, archers, and cavalry to handle various bandit types effectively.

Use the Terrain

Understand the terrain advantages. When fighting Mountain Bandits, try to engage them in open areas where their terrain advantage is nullified. Conversely, be wary of fighting Forest Bandits in dense woods where they can use the environment to their advantage.

Walking away from a skirmish

What to Do With Captured Bandits

Ransom for Cash

One of the easiest ways to profit from bandit hunting is to ransom your captives. Most towns have a tavern where you can sell your prisoners for a decent sum.

Recruit Them

If you're short on manpower, consider recruiting some of the bandits into your own ranks. This can be a particularly useful alternative in the early game when you're building your army as opposed to hiring mercenaries.

Execute High-Profile Targets

Some bandit leaders and notable enemies may be worth executing to prevent them from causing further trouble. Be cautious, as this can sometimes negatively impact your reputation.

Conclusion: Good Luck Finding Bandits!

Hunting bandits in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is not just about the thrill of the chase; it's a vital part of strengthening your party and improving your standing in the game.

By knowing where to look and how to tackle different bandit types, you'll become a feared and respected bandit hunter in no time.

So, saddle up, sharpen your blades, and may your hunts be ever fruitful!


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