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What to Do with Prisoners in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Taking prisoners in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord can be a lucrative and strategic part of gameplay. However, deciding what to do with your captives can be a bit tricky.

In this article, we’ll explore the various options available for handling prisoners and how to make the most of each choice.

Walking around a tavern in Bannerlord

The Basics of Capturing Prisoners in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

How to Capture Prisoners

Prisoners are typically captured after battles. When you defeat an enemy or a bandit army, you have the option to take some of the surviving combatants as prisoners.

The number of prisoners you can take depends on your leadership skills and the size of your party.

Types of Prisoners

Prisoners can be broadly classified into two categories:

  • Common Troops: Regular soldiers and low-ranking enemies.

  • Nobles and Lords: High-ranking members of enemy factions, including lords and other notable characters.

Options for Managing Prisoners

Ransoming Prisoners

One of the most straightforward ways to deal with prisoners is to ransom them for money.

  • Ransom Brokers: Visit a town or city and look for ransom brokers in the taverns. They will buy your prisoners for a decent price, allowing you to make a quick profit.

  • Ransoming Nobles: Captured lords and nobles can be ransomed back to their factions for a significantly higher price. Keep an eye out for messengers offering ransom deals.

Recruiting Prisoners

Another option is to recruit prisoners into your own army.

  • Common Troops: Regular soldiers can be persuaded to join your ranks after spending some time as your prisoners. This can bolster your forces without needing to recruit from villages or towns.

  • Conversion Rate: The success of recruiting prisoners depends on your charm and leadership skills. Higher skills mean better chances of convincing them to switch sides.

Selling Prisoners as Slaves

While morally questionable, selling prisoners into slavery is an option in Bannerlord.

  • Slave Traders: Some towns have slave traders who will buy your prisoners. This method often yields more money than regular ransom brokers but can affect your reputation negatively.

  • Consequences: Selling prisoners as slaves can lead to a drop in morale among your troops and may affect your relationships with certain factions.

Executing Prisoners

In some cases, executing prisoners, especially enemy lords, can be a strategic move.

  • Intimidation: Executing high-ranking enemies can demoralize their faction and reduce their effectiveness in future battles.

  • Reputation Impact: Be aware that executing prisoners can severely damage your reputation, leading to more enemies and potential conflicts.

Trying to find the slave dealer in Bannerlord

Strategic Considerations

Balancing Morale and Profit

Balancing the need for money with maintaining high morale among your troops is crucial.

  • Regular Ransoming: Ransoming common soldiers regularly can keep your income steady without significantly affecting morale.

  • Selective Recruitment: Recruit prisoners strategically to fill gaps in your army or to bolster your forces before a significant battle.

Managing High-Ranking Prisoners

Handling captured nobles and lords requires careful consideration.

  • Long-Term Captivity: Holding enemy lords for a prolonged period can weaken their factions, giving you an advantage in the ongoing war.

  • Negotiations: Use captured nobles as bargaining chips in diplomatic negotiations. They can be exchanged for your own captured companions or used to broker peace deals.

Gathering prisoners in Bannerlord

Tips for Efficient Prisoner Management

Upgrade Your Prisoner Management Skills

Improving your leadership and charm skills can make managing prisoners more efficient.

  • Leadership: Higher leadership skills allow you to hold more prisoners and improve their chances of recruitment.

  • Charm: Boosting your charm skill enhances your ability to negotiate better ransom deals and recruit prisoners more effectively.

Use Prisons and Garrisons

Utilize town prisons and castle garrisons to manage large numbers of prisoners.

  • Town Prisons: Transfer prisoners to town prisons to free up space in your party and reduce the risk of escape.

  • Castle Garrisons: Use your castles as holding facilities for high-ranking prisoners. This also protects them from enemy rescue attempts.

Getting captured in Bannerlord

Conclusion: Making the Most of Your Captives

Strategic Advantage

Prisoners in Bannerlord can be more than just a source of income; they can provide a significant strategic advantage. Whether you ransom, recruit, or execute, each decision should align with your broader goals.

Balancing Act

Effectively managing prisoners involves a balance of profit, morale, and strategic impact. By carefully considering each option and improving relevant skills, you can turn every captured enemy into an asset for your growing empire.

So, next time you capture a group of enemies, weigh your options carefully and decide the best course of action.

Your approach to handling prisoners can significantly influence your success and power in the land of Calradia.


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