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When Does Frostpunk 2 Take Place?

Frostpunk 2 is set in an alternate version of 1916, 30 years after the events of the first game. In this fictional world, Earth is still gripped by an endless ice age, and humanity is struggling to rebuild in the aftermath of the catastrophic storms that nearly wiped out civilization.

While the first Frostpunk focused on surviving the immediate aftermath of a global disaster, the sequel pushes further, exploring what happens after society has managed to scrape through the worst of it​.

Constructing an oil extractor in Frostpunk 2

A World in Perpetual Winter

The world of Frostpunk diverged from our own in the late 19th century when a series of environmental disasters caused an apocalyptic winter to blanket the planet. In the original game, set around 1886, society was already on the brink of collapse.

The British Empire, along with other nations, built enormous generators to provide heat and shelter for a select few. These generators became the last hope for humanity, allowing small groups to survive in isolated cities despite the unrelenting cold​.

By the time Frostpunk 2 begins, those original efforts have evolved. While the world is still frozen, civilization has begun to regroup. New London, the primary setting of the game, is one such surviving city.

However, the problems have shifted from mere survival to managing the conflicting needs of a complex society that is trying to rebuild in a world that may never thaw​.

The Shift from Coal to Oil

One of the major changes between the first Frostpunk and its sequel is the shift in resources. In the original game, coal was the most important resource, powering the generators that kept the city warm.

But in Frostpunk 2, the focus has moved to oil. As coal supplies have dwindled and become less reliable, oil has emerged as the new lifeblood of New London.

The reliance on oil isn’t just a simple resource management shift; it brings with it new moral and political dilemmas. Oil drilling and refinement open up new opportunities for growth and technology but also create tensions within the society.

Different factions within the city may disagree on how to use this resource, and as the Steward, you’ll have to navigate these challenges while keeping the city alive​.

Navigating the Political Landscape

Faction Conflicts

A major theme in Frostpunk 2 is the internal political struggle that arises from different factions within New London. These factions have their own ideologies and goals for the city’s future. For example, some factions might push for aggressive industrial expansion, while others may focus on ethical concerns or environmental preservation.

As the leader, or “Steward,” of New London, your job is to balance these competing interests to maintain order and ensure the city’s survival.

Managing these factions adds a whole new layer of complexity to the game. You’ll need to work with the Council Hall, a new feature in Frostpunk 2, where laws are debated and voted on by representatives of different groups.

As you try to pass new policies and shape the future of New London, you’ll often have to compromise with factions that hold radically different views. Making promises you can’t keep or favoring one faction too often can lead to unrest, strikes, or even open rebellion​.

Leadership Beyond Survival

The shift in focus from survival to societal rebuilding is one of the defining differences in Frostpunk 2. While the cold and resource scarcity are still major threats, the game emphasizes social survival as much as physical survival.

Mismanaging the city’s political landscape can be just as devastating as failing to gather enough coal or oil to keep the generator running.

This added layer of complexity forces you to think not just about keeping people warm but also about keeping them united​.

The New Challenges of 1916

The Moral Dilemmas of Oil

The year 1916 in Frostpunk 2 marks the beginning of an industrial transformation. With coal no longer a viable long-term solution, oil becomes the key to growth and survival. However, the exploration and use of oil bring with them significant moral and environmental challenges.

You’ll be forced to make decisions about whether to pursue short-term gains or think about the long-term consequences for your society.

Oil is both a resource and a conflict point in the game. How you choose to manage it will influence not only the city’s survival but also its moral direction.

The way you handle oil extraction, technological advancement, and the environment could create enemies within your own society, as some factions might oppose the exploitation of this new resource.

What Makes Frostpunk 2 a Post-Apocalyptic Game?

While the first Frostpunk was very much an apocalyptic game, set during a time when the world was falling apart, Frostpunk 2 is a post-apocalyptic game. The worst of the disaster has passed, and now the survivors are left to pick up the pieces.

But the world hasn’t improved—it’s still cold, and resources are still limited. This forces players to think about how to rebuild civilization in a world where there may be no hope for recovery​.

The idea that human nature is the greatest challenge is a recurring theme in Frostpunk 2. While the physical threats of cold and hunger are still present, the biggest obstacles you’ll face come from within the society itself.

Whether it’s factionalism, political strife, or ethical dilemmas, the survival of New London depends not just on keeping the generator running but on managing the complexities of human behavior​.

A small set up in Frostpunk 2

Conclusion: When Does Frostpunk 2 Take Place?

Frostpunk 2 take place in a world that, despite having survived the worst of the environmental disaster, is still trapped in an eternal winter.

Set in 1916, 30 years after the events of the original game, it challenges players to think beyond survival and focus on the moral, political, and social challenges of rebuilding a fractured society.

With oil as the new resource driving industrial growth and factional conflicts threatening the stability of New London, the game introduces new layers of complexity that make it more than just a city-builder—it’s a test of leadership and ethics in a world where survival is only the beginning​.

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